Sunday, June 9, 2019

Lilith-The Goddess of Wild Women (The Gods in Therapy)

Emily had no idea who the Goddess was that stood before her. She was mesmerizing in her beauty and startling in her nakedness but what shocked Emily completely was the massive snake that she wore around her nude body, the snake’s head resting serenely on her shoulder. “I am the Goddess Lilith, originally of Sumeria, later turned into a bad wife in the Jewish tradition. But I am no one’s wife. There was no Adam, there was no Eve...but there is Lilith.”
       Emily gestured for her to take a seat but Lilith remained standing. “After my story was twisted into something I could no longer recognize, I left the Middle East to its new God and I moved on, eventually going to Crete where I met Hecate. I don’t know how I would’ve survived the thousands of years of male slander without her but thankfully, she took me in. To me, she is part mother and part best friend. We have weathered out the storms of the patriarchy together throughout the many years of my self imposed exile. She even allowed me to take on the phase of the full moon while she represented the dark moon, though humans seem to have mixed that up. While men call me the mother of demons, I have walked alongside some of the greatest women in the past two thousand years of this patriarchal nightmare. I was walking with Cleopatra up until the end when she killed herself to escape torture from the Romans. As bold as that was, the men twisted it until the story went that she killed herself because the man she was fucking for power killed himself. I was with Queen Eleanor of the Aquitaine as she literally made a stubborn ass into a king and refused to back down on anything she wanted in her life, even getting a divorce when no one was permitted to do so because she was charming to the pope and men are ridiculously stupid.”
       Lilith sighed in a very human way, as if she were tired to her core. Finally she sat down. Pushing her bright red hair back with her tattooed hand, she went on. “I was there with Mary Wollstonecraft when she said fuck it and lived her entire life just as she wanted to, writing feminist literature and articles in a time when women couldn’t even write children’s stories or love stories. I was riding alongside Boudica when she took on the Romans even though we both knew she probably wouldn’t win. The odds were not in our favor and she failed but she fought. I was there with Susan B. Anthony and Margaret Sanger...until she became crazed and she got on that eugenics kick. I do not support that madness. Especially coming from white people. No offense but if white people were the superior race, those who claim such a thing would be too busy reading books to burn the damn things. I swear, they burn them because they are jealous that they do not know how to read!”
        Emily couldn’t help but laugh at that. It was exactly what she always suspected herself. “I take no offense. I’m Jewish. I will never stand up for a white supremacist...which is more than we can say for the so called president of America.”
         “Do not get me started on that pig! When he dies, his soul will return to the blackness just as it did after the Nazis were killed and the priests who burned innocent women and all others of that sort met their ends. It’s the same cluster of souls again and again, returning ever so often to try their hand at pure evil. You all must get a hold on that before the evil spreads like a terrible virus. It does, you know. Ask your beloved Hecate. We’ve seen it again and again. You are Pagan, are you not?”
        “I am.” Emily replied quietly.
       “Then you know how energy works. The more evil that is put out, the more evil that is attracted. Children kept in cages, dying from maltreatment, crying out for their mothers while people just pass by as if they don’t hear? Is there anything in this world more evil than the torture of pure innocence? With the Suffragettes, with Gloria Steinem and Shirley Chisholm, with all of the women throughout history who stood up for women and children as they sought to tear down the walls of the ridiculous patriarchy, it was not just about was about freedom for all. It was about freedom for the generations to come. Because that is what the matriarchy concerns itself with. Everything is about preserving the good and destroying the worst aspects of a society to make things better for the children to come. Women are built to worry about such things. Men were meant to guard the groups of women and children chatting and working together from predators and to take down large animals for the meat. They are built to destroy. And that is what they’ve done. That is what they continue to do. Now these rapists, harassers, and psychopaths are pushing once more to control the bodies of women. I am needed more now than I have been in a long time. And I am here. I just need you to tell them. Use whatever means you must but tell the women. I am the proud Goddess of feminists and women who fight. Musicians, painters, writers, housewives, doctors, lawyers...I do not care what they do. I only require that they fight! Fight come whatever may! We cannot allow these demons to take over the bodies of women once more! So tell the women to call upon me. I am also the Goddess of whores and I am just as proud of that so make it clear, I judge no one so long as they have pure intent.”
       The snake around her body raised its head and looked straight into Emily’s eyes. For a moment, Emily could not look away. In those eyes, she could see the past, present, and future and the future was part heaven and part hell depending upon what the humans do. “Also, tell our sisters that a volcano is about to erupt. It has woken from a long and deep sleep. Humans believed it would never wake again but it has and it is angry. This is the first sign that the oldest Gods on this planet are coming alive and we are all in for one hell of a fight. Only the Feminine can save the humans that only feminine can create and nurture. You must come together. And you may come together in the name of the one and only Lilith.”
         Unlike the other Gods who did as humans do when they were in her office, Lilith simply disappeared leaving behind the scent of burning sage. Emily exhaled as if she were holding her breath throughout the entire meeting. After meeting Sekhmet and Hecate and feeling the power of a God inside her own body, she thought she was getting accustomed to the energy of Gods but Lilith was incredibly powerful. Emily had many questions she wished she could’ve asked her, questions about Planned Parenthood and pussy hats and such. But she had no way to call Lilith back and she was suddenly so filled with lust that she couldn’t think straight. This was far more powerful than the feeling she had the first time she met Hermes. This was an all-consuming sort of lust. The type of lust that had to be satisfied one way or the other. Locking her office door, Emily decided to take care of herself since she had no way to ask Hermes to come over. Midway to her second orgasam, the God she was having sex with appeared as if he heard her silent pleas and he was more than happy to satisfy what Lilith started. Afterward, when he was driving home with Emily to have dinner and watch whatever they could find on television, Emily told him about her visit with the Goddess of feminism, whores, and unabashed lust.
        Hermes smiled in a way that said it all as he replied, “Yes, I know Lilith well.”
      There was no point in asking if he had fucked her. It was clear he had. But what did it matter? Lilith wasn’t interested in a long term thing and Emily couldn’t possibly have a long term thing with him either. So instead she told him about the prediction of the erupting volcano and he confirmed what Lilith said. The volcano was in Russia...Russia...of all places! Emily was not sure how she was meant to spread the word of Lilith but it suddenly seemed like an important job to do, just as important as helping the Gods go in to battle with clear heads or helping humans and vampires do the best they could with what they had to work with in their lives. As she fell asleep in Hermes’ arms for another night, both of them full on chicken alfredo and garlic bread, she suddenly felt like it was good that her relationship was part time and that she aborted the only pregnancy she ever had. Her work was beyond all-consuming and the weight of it was nearly crushing. She knew things she wished she did not. She knew things she wished she could shout from the rooftops to people who were looking for answers in all the wrong places. The worst part was that she had no faith left in the human race, not after the things she heard from patients through the years. So she felt she knew before the war began that it was a lost cause. The time of humans on earth, the great experiment as Hera called it in one of her many sessions, was nearly over. They forgot where they came from and what they needed to grow and protect. The earth would just have to go on without them…

Moral of the Story?: “When a man gives his opinion, he’s a man. When a woman gives her opinion, she’s a bitch.”-Bette Davis

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