Monday, May 27, 2019

Short Stories (The Gods in Therapy)

I realize it has been far too long since I've posted anything...and before that it was much longer between posts. I've been going through some shit. What else is new, though, right? My facebook and youtube channel are also quite neglected.  But my three year old is not. Sometimes when you are very sick and you are trying to push yourself to use far more spoons than you have every single day (thereby ensuring that you will continue to be very sick) you have to condense life down to responsibilities only. It isn't fun. It does not give you a moment's peace to create much of anything (novels included). But it is what it is. I go on this small tangent to say this:
      I think I may have found a new way to use this blog that helps me create not only posts but also stories. You see...I am still trying to understand where my novel is going and I cannot because my brain is trying to jump ahead multiple novels, years in the future, to something I really should not be working on right now. But as any writer out there can tell you, the Well of Inspiration and whomever it is that takes us there does not give a damn about your chronological order. You can take what they give you or you can write a paragraph every six months that literally feels like you are trying to get blood from a turnip. *Sigh* So I am attempting to compromise with the Well and the Well-keepers. 
       A little backstory on these short stories: You see, I've had the inspiration for this in my head since I was fourteen or fifteen. It all started with a question my mind considered one day while I was cleaning. "What would happen if Hera dragged Zeus to a human therapist for couple's therapy?" Asked that inner voice that suggests all of the crazy shit I write. And then my mind built the scene. But I always cut it off. And it always came back. Sometimes it would be a couple of years in between but it still came back. And I knew what that meant. You see, when you have those story ideas that continue to come back after you dismiss them, one day you will write it. You will bring that idea into form. The novel my brain keeps giving me pieces to that I cannot write yet is also about the Gods and, actually, the first story at least, is happening years from right now and it contains some stuff my readers should not know yet. But that's ok. By the time I am able to write that book, all three of you who read whatever short stories I end up with here will have long forgotten the glimpse I once gave you into the future. 
       Any God that has ever been worshiped may end up appearing in these stories. I start with Athena because She has never been in anything fictional I've written yet and She is my Matron, my Mother really, and I wanted to give Her first say. The couple's therapy story will follow it so I know the first two are Greek Gods but Thor has already been mentioned in passing and I've written quite a bit about some Celtic deities and a few Egyptian Gods as well so that is possible...Even Jesus may make an appearance. The Gods have come together in the glimpse into the future. And They are all trying to work Their shit out with Dr. Emily Lieberman. lol 
        So please join me as I go off on another tangent, a creative tangent, and please feel free to comment. 
Is everybody in?

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