With Summer Solstice approaching I thought it was a good time to set up my first sale on Beauty and the Beast. So I enrolled it in this amazon thing called a countdown deal where you have a sale for a period of three days or so and you start with the lowest price you want to sell it for. Gradually the price goes back to normal until the sale ends. I am not sure what the discount price will be on June 21st and 22nd but I set the sale price for the 20th to 99 cents. On the 23rd, it goes back to $3.00. It's a good time to pick up the book if you've thought about it before. It's also a good time to show my appreciation for anyone that gives the book a chance and for the Deities that guided me toward writing in the first place. Cheesy, I know, but you all know I have my moments. lol
It has been a very crazy week full of all kinds of ups and downs and now that things are starting to stabilize somewhat, I'm working quite a bit on rewriting Rapunzel. I finished the first part that I wanted to work on but I know I can make the writing better throughout the whole book so, even though I really don't wanna, it seems foolish not to rewrite it all. Maybe when I've finished that, Sleeping Beauty will start flowing without me forcing each part I write. I can't wait for that. I can't wait to enter Kila's world. She is such a cool character even though she is the one I never wanted to write. I mean, a vampire witch? That could turn out so cliched on so many levels. But I won't let it. For starters, she's a real witch. She had to learn, to train, to unlock the secrets just like the rest of us witches. She is no Samantha from Bewitched, that's for sure. But in her way, she's much more powerful than the fictional over the top witches we usually see in fantasy stories. And here I am rambling...
Anyway, mark your calenders for the promotion and wish me luck with this rewrite. Also, wish me luck with creating the best vampire witch in fiction. Ya know, as soon as Rapunzel is all spruced up and ready to go out....hahaha